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Groups & Workshops

Behavioral Fitness offers a variety of gatherings to meet the wellness needs of our community. We are able to come together in-person for small fireside groups, meet in a socially-distanced outdoor setting, or connect virtually through Zoom. Our Groups serve to deepen our connection with others, bringing people together in the best way possible.  There has never been a better time to connect with your friends, family, work group, or classroom in a safe setting to engage in meaningful experiences that broaden our consideration of how to be well and nourish our minds, bodies, hearts, and souls.

How can a Group or Workshop help me?

Our Groups and Workshops serve to deepen our connection with others, bringing people together in the best way possible.  There has never been a better time to connect with your friends, family, work group, or classroom in a safe setting to engage in meaningful experiences that broaden our consideration of how to be well and nourish our minds, bodies, hearts, and souls.

  • Connect with others in a meaningful way
  • Be supported by a community, realize that you are not alone
  • Develop skills on how to move through life more peacefully
  • Deepen your connection with yourself and capability to connect with others
  • Navigate a life change (Shelter In Place, Grief/Loss, Divorce, illness, economic changes, employment)
  • Practice managing emotional stress, physical stress, overwhelm, anxious symptoms, and so forth


Behavioral Fitness Today offers a series of community groups and workshops, designed to connect you—with others facing similar challenges—and the experts who can help you improve your well-being.


Stop stretching ourselves to the edge and learn a better way forward in life. If there’s a knot in the rubber band, and you stretch it, the knot only gets tighter. Yoga is not about stretching, it’s about finding and untying the knots of stress in our bodies. It’s more like untangling yarn than stretching a rubber band.

Peace of My Heart Gathering

Peace of My Heart gatherings are designed to help us connect with our hearts and deepen our insights. By creating a safe space for sharing a “peace of your heart,” we can drop any pretense and be authentic with ourselves and each other. We can build strength in the community by practicing empathy, courage, and meaningful connection. Research reveals that connecting with our hearts expands our understanding of ourselves and others and can serve as a key to creating a more peaceful path forward.


What we know for sure is that a well-developed support system is a keystone to successfully navigating through this life change. Our focus on healing is an instrumental resource that is meeting the unique needs in the Bay Area.  Joining a support group and learning effective coping strategies has shown to alleviate distressful symptoms of post-divorce trauma and ultimately lead to the path of recovery and healing

Parents Connect

Parenting today requires an expansive approach to how we understand the daily influences that may play a significant role in our capability to access the joy we deserve. As a loving parent, you have the power to provide your family with the emotional fulfillment and love they need to live their best life. But how? Join us to learn new best practices when it comes to your family’s well-being.

Teen Leaders for Change

Today’s teens are innovators, activists, change agents; they contain boundless transformative potential. They bring a wealth of insight and fresh eyes to a forum that elevates their voices and catalyzes their diverse perspectives into a shared vision. They find they are better together, made more purposeful through connection to one another. Join fellow teens prioritize justice and compassion, consider their impact on the environment, and love without limits. This is just the beginning.

Custom Groups

Behavioral Fitness is pleased to offer custom gatherings for your team, group, school, or family. Whatever your specific need, we work closely with you to curate a customized program to address your unique goals and objectives. We are able to come together in-person for small fireside groups, meet in a socially distanced outdoor setting, or connect virtually through Zoom.

Learrn more about Custom Groups


We have an ongoing commitment to wellness education in our community. We have developed a number of workshops that address wellness skill-building, movement, arts and culture, and education.

Boundaries Are Contagious

Propel your desire to live your best life and gain the tools to do it! The research reveals that when one person in the home sets the example of how to follow through on effective boundary setting, it is contagious; those around you will follow suit. When done right, appropriate boundary setting is discussed as the single most impactful tool to improve the quality of life for all involved.

Difficult Conversations

Join us to learn best practices about the emotions and contributors to difficult conversations. Experience a distinct shift in perspective and approach to conversations, resulting in improved outcomes for all involved.

Wellness Planning

Our life experiences can result in shattered confidence and trust in oneself and others—leading to maladaptive coping skills that impact our capability to achieve the quality of life we deserve. Explore new findings on how to re-establish a foundation of resiliency to life circumstances so that we can thrive as individuals and together. All attendees leave with new competencies that are easy to apply and begin implementing right away.

How Do We Message Our Values

One of the most significant discoveries from the 21st century is that our mind controls our quality of life. This workshop gives context to values in a new way. Cultural diversity and technological advances have disrupted the capability to easily understand one another’s generational values and beliefs. Explore the impacts of implicit bias and learn how to share values with a diverse approach.

Photography: Expanding Our Lens

We are living in a digital era. Social media has become a powerful channel of communication. It seems everyone has a cell phone and can take pictures; however, not everyone is a photographer. Develop a trained eye, learn new techniques, and explore how each photo we take reveals who we are and how we look at the world.

Expressive Arts

The wellness journey can take on many forms. Sometimes we just need a new perspective from which to reflect. Join us for creative self-exploration through story-telling, drawing, photography, and collage. Nurture new ways of thinking to expand our possibilities, perceptions, and observations.

Improv for Social Change

The science of human behavior meets the art form of Improvisation. Let go of self-judgment and criticism and focus on setting up a moment for others to shine and be their best. Mindfully create a culture of trust and non-judgment of ourselves and others. Bring out our best selves. Discover how we thrive when we acknowledge that we need one another.

Behavioral Interview Questions

Learn how to build collaborative relationships that support an engaged and purposeful corporate culture. Develop a working knowledge of the meanings behind word choices, body language, structuring of stories, and the details that contribute to a conversation. Expand our awareness of how to be better understood and to understand others better. This awareness can better advance our careers, help make wise hiring decisions, eliminate bias, ad enhance your interactions in any social setting.

Environmental Medicine: Achieving Optimal Health in a Complex Environment

Expand your knowledge of interactions between humans and the environment – including topics such as cell phone safety, endocrine-disrupting toxins lurking in our homes, health effects of mold, and how to promote life-long brain health.

Healing Through Nutrition & Aromatherapy

Ignite your healing by learning about energy healing tools, essential oils, and foods.  Find balance and harmony on all levels of our being—mind, body, and spirit. Essential oils are a gift from nature that can support us.  Explore how to reach a state of calmness and centeredness to be able to make healthy decisions. Learn to use energy healing with the use of aromatherapy and food to heal the body.