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Aftercare should not be an afterthought.


for Professionals


for Individuals


for Friends & Family


After-care should not be an after-thought.

The initial treatment program is critical to beginning the recovery journey. What happens after discharge is also a vital step in sustaining the new skills, knowledge, and attitudes acquired in the recovery process. The journey doesn’t end at the point of discharge from treatment. In many ways, a new journey has just begun for everyone involved. The next phase of the journey is one that requires intention, continued support, and community. We must be deliberate about each step along the way so that together we create this new path to wellness. At Behavioral Fitness, we understand how to bring these pieces together, optimizing your experience and ensuring you have the support you need to thrive.

Our Unique Approach

AftercarePlan™ was born out of the idea that accessing mental health services and support needed to be as easy as ordering a Lyft or Uber ride or booking your next trip on Airbnb.  Founded by a Doctor of Behavioral Health (Dr. Allyson Mayo) and an Emergency Services Nurse Leader (Teri DeLaMontanya, RN), they recognized the growing need to Provide Easier Access to Care Everywhere (PEACE).

The aim of AftercarePlan™ is to remove the friction from access to mental health services and support. We believe that this support should not be limited to inside the walls of our mental health institutions. Using a lifestyle medicine approach, along with other evidence-based tools, we ensure you receive best-in-class support. Our team members understand what it means to be human. We are all recovering from something and when we can improve our abilities to see, hear, and understand each other we can create a more peaceful path forward for all.

I'm looking for support for...

How can AftercarePlan™ help me?

  • Remove the friction of finding the care and support you need
  • Connecting you with best-in-class resources
  • Shortening wait times to get the care and support you need
  • Dynamic and comprehensive services- with an understanding that it’s not just the individual in need of care and support, but also their support system. Addiction and mental illness affect the whole system. We are all recovering and healing from something.

Who can benefit from the AftercarePlan™ program?

  • Professionals in the healing professions
  • Teens (age 13-17/18)
  • Young adults (18-28)
  • Adults 18+
  • Parents/Guardians/Caretakers
  • Loved ones
  • Older adults

Getting started is easy!

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with Dr. Mayo to learn more about AftercarePlan™—and get the after-care support you need today!