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Support for A Loved One

Today’s world has made family dynamics more challenging than ever. For parents and guardians, sometimes there is a need to have another person join the family support system who can provide a new channel of communication, understanding, and safety for one or more individuals in the group. Our Behaviorally Fit Companion programs offer several levels of engagement for an individual who is needing friendship, advice, and coaching through a challenging time in their life.

Companion Programs For A Loved One

The Buddy Program

The Buddy Program is for individuals who will benefit from having someone to talk to who understands their innermost feelings, challenges, and communication roadblocks with family, associates, and friends. This program provides a peer companion who will engage over phone, text, and through group activities—building confidence and skills for a better life at home, work, and in society


The Lifestyle-Shift program is for those individuals who need a little extra support shifting the fundamentals of their lifestyle to be seen and accepted as the great person they are. The Lifestyle-Shift program incorporates individual time with a peer companion who will help them become more self-aware. They help recognize behaviors that are leading to misunderstanding and preventing individuals from being accepted and trusted in the family, school, and society. The program incorporates group activities, workshops, and social skill development tailored to the individual’s specific Lifestyle-Shift objectives.

Life Advocate

The Life-Advocate program is for those whose situation requires a more continuous level of engagement to make immediate changes in behaviors that are making day-to-day life impossible for the family and themselves. If high-risk behaviors are causing you to become more concerned about your loved one and you think an all-day companion would reduce risk and help create immediate change and bring relief to all involved, this program can help.

Services Included in These Programs

  • Progress Notes
  • Daily phone Check-In
  • In-Person Support
  • Coping Skills Workshops
  • Social Skills Workshops
  • Medical and Appointments Setup
  • Healthcare Service Coordination (based on insurance coverage)
  • Recovery Groups
  • Nutrition Planning
  • Vocational and Career Coaching
  • Life Coaching
  • Anger Management
  • Medication Management
  • Transitional Support for Return from Rehab
  • On-Demand Support
  • Transportation Services
  • Relationship Support
  • Exercise and Fitness
  • Emotional Support Animal Services
  • Community Service Services Coordination
  • Facilitates Boundary Building within Household
  • Family re-integration Post Discharge from Rehabilitation
  • Behavioral Wellness Planning Workshops
  • Parent/loved One Support Groups

Getting started is easy!

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with Dr. Mayo to learn more about Behavioral, Sober, & Peer Companions—and be on your way to being behaviorally fit today!