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Grief Recovery

Grief Recovery

Could grief be holding you back?

Update Your Understanding

Unresolved grief can impact your mental and physical health in ways we might not realize. From the time we are little, we experience repetitive grief events that so often are inadequately processed. These grief events stack up like heavy rocks. Imagine carrying around a backpack and collecting these rocks throughout our lives? Now imagine how heavy that backpack gets as we get older and experience even more grief events? It can become unbearable. Unresolved grief can impact our emotions and behaviors and leave us feeling stuck and weighed down. But there is hope. You dont have to stay stuck. Behavioral Fitness can help.

What is Grief?

The Grief Recovery Institute® defines grief in the following ways:

  • Grief is the normal and natural reaction to significant emotional loss of any kind.
  • Grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of, or change in, a familiar pattern of behavior.
  • Grief is the feeling of reaching out for someone who has always been there, only to find when you need them again, they are no longer there.

What Causes Grief?

There are over 40 “grief events” that we can experience. Here are just a few examples:
  • Death of a loved one
  • Death of a pet
  • Moving
  • Job changes
  • Relationship/family issues
  • Financial changes
  • Changes in routines
  • Loss of trust
  • Loss of approval
  • Loss of safety
  • Loss of health/ control over one’s body

How Can I Recognize Grief?

There are clues embedded in our behaviors and emotions.  Grief is often misunderstood and taken for depression, anxiety, burnout, or stress.

How do you know if you or others are impacted by grief?

Are you or someone you know….

  • experiencing a grief event?
  • struggling with unhealthy behavior patterns?
  • navigating a significant change or loss?
  • having trouble concentrating?
  • experiencing a sense of numbness or disconnection?
  • having sleep disturbances or fear of being alone at night?
  • experiencing a change in eating habits?
  • feeling like you are riding a roller coaster of emotions?
  • experiencing unresolved health issues?
  • experiencing lack of trust in others?
  • experiencing excessive worry?
  • feeling easily irritated or short fused?
  • experiencing addiction?

Any one of the above could be an indicator of unresolved grief.

Our Approach

Our team at Behavioral Fitness has  decades of experience related to grief, trauma, and dealing with times in life that have significant emotional impact. Our healthcare backgrounds rooted in the behavioral sciences and emergency services give us a unique perspective on grief and trauma and the impact this has in our lives. We bring our experience along with the tools and resources we have curated and package it in such a way to meet you where you are.

Addressing grief is not one size fits all.

Behavioral Fitness offers grief education, individual and group support.

Learn how Behavioral Fitness can help you or your teams:

  • Free up energy and feel lighter!
  • Improve your capability of letting go of what no longer serves you and move forward with a deeper connection to the memories you wish to keep close.
  • Feel more connected to yourself and others.
  • Feel inspired and empowered.
  • Improve physical health and emotional well-being.
  • Develop a new relationship with your grief and loss events.
  • Understand how your behaviors may be a symptom of unresolved grief and how you can address it.
  • Learn how to show up for others when they are grieving.
  • Release resentments and bitterness- past and present.
  • Create peace and abundance in your life.
  • Learn tools and techniques that you can use for life.
  • Prepare yourself for the inevitable loss events we experience in life.
  • Improve the performance of your teams and organization through grief education and support. No organization is immune to the impact of grief.
  • Acquire and retain top talent through a greater understanding of grief and how you can address it within your organization.

Getting started is easy!

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with to learn more about the Grief Recovery Method—and get the support you need today!

Who Can Benefit?

Any person at any time can benefit from learning about grief. Please don’t wait for a crisis to prepare yourself for grief. It’s never too early or too late to begin.

We guarantee you will learn practical tools and techniques that you can apply right away- for yourself and others.

Behavioral Fitness offers the following:

  • Grief education
  • Individual and group grief processing and relief
  • Grief preparation
  • Organizational grief support- an outside the box approach to grief and loss.
  • Grief processing for hospitals and healthcare workers
  • End of life support