Dr. Allyson Mayo will be speaking at the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) as part of their Mental Health Speaker Series, Ask the Expert: Coping with COVID-19. Join us for this free event on Thursday, August 20, from 7:00-8:30pm via Zoom!
Dr. Allyson Mayo is a Doctor of Behavioral Health, changing mental health, and addiction in this country. Her understanding of loneliness, trauma, and social survival led her to create the ground-breaking Behavioral Fitness™ method that is changing psychotherapy and has earned her national acclaim in addiction medicine. She is the founder of Behavioral Fitness, LLC, the PEACE Project is on the University of San Francisco Faculty, and holds the Seat of Mental Health for Contra Costa County’s Family And Children’s Trust (FACT).
The needs of the caretaker in the current pandemic environment have created new and unprecedented challenges for all involved. These new skills require expertise in behavioral health, emotional balance, communications, and leadership. On Thursday, August 20, Dr. Mayo will be speaking on this topic as well as addressing concerns of anxiety and depression as it relates to COVID-19 for family and community members, sharing insight and providing easy to implement strategies to use right away.
NAMI Contra Costa Executive Director, Gig R. Crowder, LE, will also discuss the progress made to implement a non-police response to mental health crisis calls and provide other important community updates.